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Salón de actos del ICAM (calle Serrano, 9 - planta 1)

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12:00: CryptoSpeak: Descentralisation and Liability in Blockchain

Existe una fuerte controversia sobre la potencial responsabilidad de los programadores y otros participantes en las operaciones realizadas en Blockchain (y en concreto en entornos descentralizados).

Se trata de una cuestión clave para el desarrollo de soluciones basadas en esta tecnología (negocios, operaciones con activos digitales, cryptomonedas, gestión documental…).

¿Realmente eliminan las blockchains públicas la necesidad de confiar en un poder central?

¿Podemos realmente confiar en el nuevo sistema o estamos depositando demasiada confianza en un pequeño núcleo de expertos/programadores?

¿Deberían estos asumir la responsabilidad de sus actuaciones en el sistema?

Ponente: Angela Walch

Angela Walch is a Professor of Law at St. Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas, and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Blockchain Technologies at University College London.

Her research focuses on money and the law, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, and financial stability. Walch’s work on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies is internationally recognized and widely cited across multiple disciplines (including law, economics, finance, computer science, archival science, and others).

Walch has presented her research at Harvard Law School, Stanford University, the Federal Reserve, and the London School of Economics, among others. Her work has appeared the NYU Journal of Legislation & Public Policy, the Review of Banking & Financial Law, and American Banker, and has been cited in reports by the Bank for International Settlements, the Financial Stability Board, the OECD, and the European Commission. Walch has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and Wired, along with other media outlets.


Blockchain Intelligence

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