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FIDE - C/ Serrano 26 - 4°dcha - 28001
(Madrid) (ver mapa)

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Speaker: Thibault Schrepel, Assistant Professor in European Economic Law at Utrecht University School of Law.

Moderator: Francisco Marcos, Profesor Derecho Privado y de la Empresa, IE Law School.

Objectives: The legal system provides trust and reduces uncertainty to a certain extent. Blockchain pushes the limit further. As a consequence, this technology is changing the way markets function which brings new challenges to competition law. Yet, research on the subject is virtually non-existent, and as a result, competition law may become ineffective (which would cause major harm to all consumers) and blockchain could be hampered at the same time (which would cause great harm to all citizens). This results from three main challenges: (i) on the substance of the law, (ii) on procedural aspects, and (iii) on philosophical grounds. Dr. Thibault Schrepel will address them through an analysis of abuses of dominance and cartels on blockchain.



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