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Juan Miguel Olry de Labry


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On March 4-5, 2024, the WJA will host the WJA TRIBUTE TO ANTHONY M. KENNEDY (1936), Senior Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The session will take place at the Rule of Law Digital Center Madrid, headquarters of the World Law Foundation.The program comprises panels of discussions around the Rule of Law, including Independence of the Judiciary, Moderated & Free Practice of Religions,Freedom of Speech, Democracy, and Legal Certainty in Current Democracies. The event will close with the awarding of the WJA Medal of Honor to JusticeANTHONY M. KENNEDY, to be received by US Supreme Court Justice SONIA SOTOMAYOR on his behalf. The WJA MEDALS OF HONOR are conferred to world personalities and institutions who have distinguished for their commitment to the promotion of peace through law and the rule of law as a guarantor of freedom.


World Jurist Association

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