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The value of personal data in the online world has significantly increased over the last years as electronic products, services and processes have permeated every fold of everyday life. Limitations in the transparency, the functionality and interconnectivity of online and communication services increases the risk of having personal data processed out of control of any accountable person or organization or simply becoming exposed to all sorts of privacy threats.

The EU legal framework on personal data protection is key in an effort to better control the processing of personal data while ensuring an adequate level of protection. Even the best legislative efforts cannot keep up to speed with the pace of innovative technology and business models that challenge the way personal data is processed and privacy is protected across the EU and beyond; therefore, examining what is at stake and where threats thereto originate from becomes of paramount importance.

Against this background, ENISA, DG CONNECT and the Católica University of Portugal, Lisbon School of Law are organizing the Annual Privacy Forum (APF) 2020.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, this years' edition of APF will take place as an online event on 22nd and 23rd of October 2020.

Additional information on the registration and the event's platform will be communicated in October 2020.


ENISA, DG CONNECT and the Católica University of Portugal, Lisbon School of Law

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