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Objectives: Europe is witnessing a rush of claims for damages in the wake of cartels investigated by the European Commission or by national competition authorities. The Commission Decision in Trucks Case AT.39824 is being followed up in many current cases and it is, for the UK, sub judice. This presentation considers the quantification of damages in a case following on from the Commission’s Decision in Power Cables Case AT.39610. The judge faced witnesses both as to the facts and as to the economics. He handed down two judgments, the first, BritNed [2018] EWHC 2616(Ch), is the substantive judgment analyzing damages and the second, BritNed [2018] EWHC 3142(Ch), focuses on costs but contains interesting insight into the aborted settlement negotiations and into the value of expert evidence. By November, we may also have a judgment from the Court of Appeal.

Speaker: Adam Scott, Director of Studies, Competition Appeal Tribunal.

Discussant: Juan Delgado, Director of Global Economics Group. Member of Fide´s Academic Council.

Moderator: Francisco Marcos, Professor of Law, IE Law School. Member of Fide´s Academic Council.



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