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FIDE - C/ Serrano 26 - 4°dcha - 28001
(Madrid) (ver mapa)

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The seminar will focus on two issues Article 11 TFEU’s environmental integration obligation and the possibilities for such implementation in EU competition law. In the first part of seminar, the background on Article 11 TFEU it’s obligation to integrate environmental concerns is provided and a framework to analyze such integration in competition law is discussed. The second part of the seminar focuses on the ways to integrate environmental consideration in the different provisions and tests of EU competition law.Pannelist

- Julian Nowag, Senior lecturer in EU law at Lund University. Associate at the Oxford Centre for Competition Law and Policy.

Moderator: Francisco Marcos, Profesor Del IE Law School. Member of Fide´s Academic Council.-------------

Obra recomendada por Lefevbre - El Derecho para esta materia: Memento Contratos Mercantiles



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