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  •  Professor Dr. Michael GEIST,
  •  Professor David MIRCHIN,
  •  Professor Didier PATRY,

Further to the COVID Crisis, the race for the vaccine and access to vaccination has given rise to vivid debates on the effectiveness of the current IP system for promoting inventions and access to them in the Health Sector, a sector that is now a strategic one worldwide. In various parts of the world, initiatives were developed, to promote a different balance in the IP system and/or to deconstruct IP and construct a completely different IP system. Was /is IP a Tool or as a Toll for producing/ distributing vaccines to all? Why and how can/should the current IP system evolve? Are alternatives realistic and credible now, in the current emergency? Can alternatives be really developed in the short/medium term ? What kind of consensus may exist in various parts of the world and in international fora for such a change? Can the Israeli model on vaccination be analyzed, compared to other models of more limited success? Can a one size fits all approach respect urgent developing countriesâ¿¿ needs? For this Special one year Anniversary Session of our Global Digital Encounters, Speakers from Europe, Israel, and North America with a variety of opinions will provide a worldwide picture of the future of IP for vaccines in a still deeply affected Covid world, in search for re-imagining IP.


FIDE Fundación

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