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Tarragona centre for environmental law studies - Rovira i virgili Av. catalunya 35 43002 - tarragona
(Tarragona) (ver mapa)

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The 1st Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium (TIEC) jointly organized by the Tarragona Centre for Environmental Law Studies (CEDAT-URV) and the Tarragona Environmental Law Students Association (AAEDAT) will be held on 5-6 May 2016 at Rovira i Virgili University, Faculty of Law, in Tarragona, Spain.

The CEDAT has gradually become a reference point for environmental law in Spain and Europe. Its objectives are to generate and socialize knowledge in the field of environmental law. In 2014, it hosted the 12th edition of the Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, which gathered researchers and academics from 56 countries across all regions of the world. At present, the CEDAT is involved in several national and international research projects. The AAEDAT is an association founded in 2009 by students and ex-students of the LL.M. of environmental law in Rovira i Virgili University. It promotes activities within the university community in order to further environmental and social values and create spaces for debate, reflection and exchange with other universities and research groups.

This inaugural colloquium aims to provide LLM students, postgraduate students and academics in general a forum in which to present and discuss their research and works-in-progress. In addition, this event seeks to create a friendly environment for meeting and interacting with fellow students and colleagues that share an interest for environmental law.


Obra recomendada por Lefevbre - El Derecho para esta materia: Memento Ejercicio Profesional de la Abogacía 2016-2017


The 1st Tarragona International Environmental Law Colloquium is an activity carried out under research project ‘From Sustainable Development to Environmental Justice: Towards a Conceptual Framework for Global Governance (IUSTAM)’ funded by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitivity (DER2013-44009-P).

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