Webinar International movement of money: due diligence on prospective clients

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El State Bar of Georgia, con quien el ICAB tiene subscrito un Convenio de Hermanamiento, ha organizado un Webinar (seminario online), en el marco de su programa 'International Mouvement conitinuing education', sobre International Movement of Money: Due Diligence on Prospective Foreign Clients.
Para más información del Seminario:
“While due diligence issues have long been front and center for many of our clients, particularly those in the financial services sector, more recently attorneys have become subject to requirements to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Through this program, we hope to provide practitioners with some best practices for mitigating risk in client engagements, and with an understanding of diligence obligations impacting our clients.Some of the topics that we will cover include:
*Legal requirements applicable to attorneys as "gatekeepers";¿
*Best practices for mitigating risk, including screening prospective clients and due diligence minimum requirements;¿
*Customary due diligence procedures of other "gatekeepers";¿
*Recent Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) in the financial services industry;and
*Due diligence resources.
Our Speakers are:
*Michael Burke, Arnall, Golden &Gregory LLP, Washington, D.C.;
*Kevin Lombardo, Bryan Cave LLP, Santa Monica, CA;and
*Megan Gajewski Barnhill Bryan Cave LLP, Washington, D.C.
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