World Jurist Association: Internet: challenges on peace and freedom

Congreso - Abogacía (presencial)
Abogacía Abogados Agenda Barcelona Derecho Derecho TICs Derechos Fundamentales Internet Libertad Tecnología World Jurist Association
(Barcelona) (ver mapa)
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At a time when the amount of technological research has overcome the limits of our imagination, it is necessary to define the state we find ourselves and our societies in, and look towards new advances appearing in the near future and how they will affect our civil rights and liberties.
For this reason, it was important for the World Jurist Association and its Spanish Chapter to organize a congress focusing on these transcendent matters under the title “INTERNET: CHALLENGES ON PEACE AND FREEDOM”. The congress will be based on the knowledge, research and experience obtained in scientific fields to share them in an informative way. Given the Internet’s wide range of influence, we have approached it by focusing on different fields that have been significantly affected by it. We will have the following panels: Internet: Peace and Freedom (as the main subject of the congress); Justice, Civil Service and the Internet (PANEL 1); The Internet and the Corporate World (PANEL 2); Internet: Taxation and Money Laundering (PANEL 3); Cybercrime, The Penal Code and the Internet (PANEL 4); Data Protection in Social Media, Freedom and Democracy (PANEL 5); The Economy and the Internet (PANEL 6).
Of course, the subjects of the panels represent the possible approaches and do not imply that the Internet will not affect other related subjects. We can ask ourselves where then is there a correspondence between the panels and the main subject of the congress; however, the Internet’s wide scope enables a plausible link between them. These panels will present singular contributions brought by different qualified experts on specific topics. We expect to draw conclusions from the panelists’ contributions, which may shed new light on the subject.
Obra recomendada por Lefevbre - El Derecho para esta materia: Memento Ejercicio Profesional de la Abogacía 2016-2017
World Jurist Association
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